Monday, December 30, 2019

Prosperos Complex Personality Exhibited in Shakespeares...

The play entitled â€Å"The Tempest† written in 1610 and later published in 1623 is one of the great comedy plays by William Shakespeare. The themes illustrated in the play are freedom, friendship, repentance and forgiveness. Its protagonist is an enigmatic character named Prospero who wields the compelling power of the magic arts. Prospero, the former duke of Milan and his beloved daughter have been stranded on an island for twelve years. Disappointingly, his own brother Antonio exiled him and his daughter with the help of Alonso, the king of Naples then he unrightfully claimed his brother’s position as the Duke of Milan. The vessel that they travelled in was filled with: some food, some water, and also precious books belonging to Prospero-the†¦show more content†¦Cunningly, Prospero uses the linguistic technique of flattery in order to befriend Ariel so that he can get him to do as he commands. At the beginning of Act 1 Scene 2 it has this apparent line, â₠¬Å"My brave spirit! Who was so firm, so constant, that this coil would not infect his reason?† The stated quote informs us that Prospero is praising Ariel for completing the task that was set for him; in doing this Prospero causes the harpy to feel flattered and willing to help Prospero with any other tasks. The magician praises his spirit for two reasons: obviously because he is proud of his spirit and also because he needs Ariel to help him to avenge his betrayers by completing the tasks set to him. Prospero effectively uses questioning as well as short and sharp sentences to make Ariel feel guilty so that Ariel does what Prospero wants him to do. The following quotes are examples of this: â€Å"How now? Moody? What is’t thou canst demand?†; â€Å"Dost thou forget from what torment I did free thee?† Naturally, when you feeling guilty you get rid of the feeling by using your intellect to reason your guilt; Ariel feeling guilty does this by listening to Prospero and not demanding anything from him which is what Prospero wants. Prospero was bridling because he feels that Ariel is ungrateful as he saved him from a prison and in return the majestic magician only asks for him to perform some â€Å"minor† tasks for him. Being Dexterous, Prospero applies both bribery andShow MoreRelated A Comparison of Romantic Love in A Midsummer Nights Dream, The Tempest, and Twelfth Night1505 Words   |  7 PagesRomantic Love in A Midsummer Nights Dream, The Tempest, and Twelfth Night In all of Shakespeares plays, there is a definitive style present, a style he perfected. From his very first play (The Comedy of Errors) to his very last (The Tempest), he uses unique symbolism and descriptive poetry to express and explain the actions and events he writes about. Twelfth Night, The Tempest and A Midsummer Nights Dream are all tragicomedies that epitomise the best use of the themes and ideology

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Copernican Heliocentrism Impact to Modern Science

Copernican Heliocentrism impact to Modern Science Michael White WGU February 24, 2011 Thesis Statement: Nicolas Copernicus Heliocentrism helped to revolutionize science and catapult man into space. Introduction: Early science and astronomers believed the earth to be the center of the universe; this was known as the Geocentric Model. Prior to the 17th Century the Catholic Church held onto and defended the Geocentric Model as the divine order of planetary alignment and man’s hierarchy in the universe. Nicolas Copernicus introduced the heliocentric model when most scientific minds believed the earth was the center of the universe. This presentation will articulate two main points: Copernicus’s heliocentric model impact to the†¦show more content†¦The Copernican revolution was arguably completed by Isaac Newton whose Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica provided a consistent physical explanation which showed that the planets are kept in their orbits by the familiar force of gravity. The geometric calculations and results which Copernicus compiled regarding orbital movements and positioning are now regarded as scientific truths. The heliocentric disco veries have become the cornerstones of breakthroughs in physics, astronomy and geometry. Without Copernicus’s heliocentric model modern man could not have achieved space flight or reached the moon. Copernicus’s theory became a major factor in modern space travel and other scientific innovations. (Asimov, 1964) Scripted Audience Questions Question: Why did the Church fight the heliocentric model so strongly? Answer: Anyone who disagreed with this analogy that the Geocentric Model as the divine order of planetary alignment and man’s hierarchy in the universe was branded a heretic, because it was considered going against Biblical doctrine. Question: In what way did Copernicus impact early science? Answer: Copernicus’s heliocentric model and its mathematics accurately mapped the moons orbit and other celestial bodies positioning. Question: How did Copernicus model help modernShow MoreRelatedGalileo Galilei was one of the most influential scientists of the Renaissance period. He was a1800 Words   |  8 PagesGalileo Galilei was one of the most influential scientists of the Renaissance period. He was a mathematician, physicist, astronomer, a philosopher. He integrated the independent sciences of math and physics, and unified them. The popular view of the world, due to the Church overall power, at the time was Aristotles theory that the the universe was geocentric or that the Earth was at the center of the universe.. Galileo went against that common belief and declared to the world that the Earth is notRead MoreGalileos Mathematical-Experimental Method Essay1857 Words   |  8 Pagescelestial bodies to the motion of minuscule free falling pebbles and water droplets upon a ship show his immense scientific interest and his discoveries cannot be overstated as he has been widely accredited as the founder of a new rational science. The science of antiquity which scholars were taught in Galileo’s time was an amalgamation of religious doctrine and Aristotelian philosophy reinterpreted to match with the teachings of the church. As a result, there was little scientific advancement.Read MoreElectronic Mass Planets Orbiting The Pulsar Psr B125710312 Words   |  42 Pageswe declare to be infinite... In it are an infinity of worlds of the same kind as our own. † —Giordano Bruno (1584)[32] In the sixteenth century the Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno, an early supporter of the Copernican theory that Earth and other planets orbit the Sun (heliocentrism), put forward the view that the fixed stars are similar to the Sun and are likewise accompanied by planets. In the eighteenth century the same possibility was mentioned by Isaac Newton in the General Scholium that

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Knowing About the Comparisons Between Ball Mill and Vertical Mill Free Essays

For a long time, ball mill has been a key equipment for high capacity grinding demand. Nowadays, vertical mill will be active in this field. You must want to know the comparison between them, please read as follows: 1). We will write a custom essay sample on Knowing About the Comparisons Between Ball Mill and Vertical Mill or any similar topic only for you Order Now Higher grinding efficiency. Vertical mill grind material in material bed, engergy cost will be 30% lower than ball mill, as sound engergy and thermal energy will cause energy loss in ball mill. 2). Simpler process flow and less investment need in infrastructure. Simpler design in powder transmission ensures less breakdown time and better operation; compact arrangement requires only 70% building area and 50%-60% building space of that for ball mill. 3). Excellent performance in drying. As material is transferred by hot steam, wind temprature can be controlled to dry material with moisture of 12%-15% ready for grinding, while that for ball mill can only be 3%-4%. 4). Less consumption of metal parts. As there is no direct contact between different metal parts, metal consumption and iron content of final product will be reduced a lot, which will be good for final product quality. 5). Less noise and dust. Noise can be reduced by 20-25 db comparing with ball mill and dust will be reduced greatly thanks to it’s subpressure design. 6). Powder is more even. As qualified products can be seperated in time and over grinding can be avoided, which can provide more even powder comparing with ball mill, in which over grinding is inevitable. Meanwhile, grain size can be adjusted easily by a unique system. ball mill: http://www. hxjq-crusher. com/20. html Stone crushing plant: http://www. hxjqchina. com/n26. html vibratory feeder: http://www. hxjqchina. com/product-list_14. html Stone production line: http://www. hxjq-crusher. com/64. html How to cite Knowing About the Comparisons Between Ball Mill and Vertical Mill, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Managing People and Organisation free essay sample

The purpose of this report to analyze the current situation in Shenzhen Filtroil and propose specific recommendation for the successful future management of Shenzhen Filtroil and its employee team. And work out detailed implementation plan. The report includes 5 key parts: 1. Analysis of external environments (PEST) and internal environments (SWOT) in which Shenzhen Filtroil operates. Key implication for people and organization in this sector. PEST and SWOT (Appendix). 2. Analysis the organization structure and organization culture of Shenzhen Filtroil. Key implication of this analyze for the successful future management of Shenzhen Filtroil and its employees. 3. Taking in to account national culture differences, analysis of leadership and management styles and capabilities as well as the employee team in Shenzhen Filtroil. Key implication of this analyze for the successful future management of Shenzhen Filtroil and its employees. 4. Recommendation for best of four options for the future, offered by Leahman and Randolph, and explanation why has made this choice. We will write a custom essay sample on Managing People and Organisation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 5. Specific recommendations for the successful future management of Shenzhen Filtroil and its employee team. Include detailed implementation plan. (Appendix). The following key recommendations for the successful future management of Shenzhen Filtroil and its employee team: * Keep Core groups of workers * Keep Core business * Create Flexible Labor Force * Workers can be transferred to different activities and task * Take into account cultural differentiation of China and US management style * Change management style Part 1. Analysis of external environments (PEST) and internal environments (SWOT) in which Shenzhen Filtroil operates. Key implication for people and organization in this sector. PEST and SWOT (Appendix) For External and Internal environments we will use the Concentric Circle Framework depicts three levels of analysis necessary to the understanding of management of people and organizations in Shenzhen Filtroil. MACRO: Analysis of the global external environments in which Shenzhen Filtroil operates